Rehabilitation of Old Main Street and Bush Street – Region of Peel Needs Your Input

Peel Region recently sent out a one question survey to members of Belfountain as the Region is planning to change the parkette at the intersection of Bush Street and Old Main Street.

Next year marks 200 years of Belfountain, and while the Region of Peel suggests a clock that is the same design that was used in Alton, the Belfountain Heritage Society has an alternative idea of hiring a local artist to create a beautiful piece of artwork representing Belfountain’s cultural and natural history. This option might not cost as much as the clock and will be representative of the uniqueness of our Belfountain.

Please click Rehabilitation of Old Main Street and Bush Street  or go to to cast your vote (it takes under a minute), since this clock will cost $40 000. Your voice on this matter is incredibly important. We thank you for your input so that the Region’s updates will be appreciated by all community members.

Sincerely yours,

The BCO Board of Directors 


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A Pop Up Story Telling Fund Raiser in Belfountain (so much fun!!!)

By Susan Gesner

Greetings all!

Well, for my music folks, I promise music will be in your future in the fall – I’m hoping to bring a band or two in to Belfountain before Christmas for sure – but for now, a wee change of pace…. 

A story telling pop up! And a chance to support the Belfountain Community Organization in to help with the Manors of Belfountain efforts! 

What are you doing next Friday evening, May 24th around 7:00PM? I have an idea that I KNOW you’ll enjoy! Come to Higher Ground Café in Belfountain, and join Nicola Ross, Lesley Rowe and me, as we share some stories from our books that will make you smile, laugh, take cover, want to go hiking, traveling and step dancing all at the same time! 

Yes, it’s short notice. But if you can’t think of a good reason not to come, then just come! 

Tickets are $25….you’ll get an evening of fun, possibly a cold beverage, you’ll learn something about wonderful hiking on the Bruce Trail, and who knows what else. And the best thing? Any money that we raise will go to the Belfountain Community Organization to help with the Manors of Belfountain efforts. 

You can e transfer me $25 (or whatever donation amount you wish) prior to next Friday. You can also drop money off ahead of time at the café, or pay at the door –  as a last resort.

But I hope you can join us. It will be a lovely evening of friends, laughter and raising money for a great purpose.

And I also hope you will share this note with EVERYONE YOU KNOW! Because the more, the merrier! 

So share!



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Keep Caledon green!

On May 14, town council will vote on Caledon’s future

On May 14, Caledon town council will vote on whether to adopt green development standards.

If adopted, all new developments in Caledon will have to meet strict energy and environment requirements to get approved.

Council will vote at a public meeting on Tuesday May 14 at 2:30 p.m. in Council Chambers, Caledon Town Hall.

Join us at town hall on May 14!

Community groups and youth leaders will be presenting to council, and they need your support.

Together, lets tell council to keep Caledon green!

Malkeet Sandhu

Community Organizer David Suzuki Foundation

Support the David Suzuki Foundation

Your gift will help push for bold climate action, protect nature so it can sustain all life and create resilient communities that benefit everyone.

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The David Suzuki Foundation is a registered charity in both Canada (BN 127756716RR0001) and the United States (94-3204049). We are located at 340-1122 Mainland Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5L1, and we also have offices in Montreal and Toronto. Please visit our website for more information on how to contact us.









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Latest on the Manors of Belfountain (MOB), a Search for Hope on the Horizon

By Edi Cadham

As you may recall from our recent update, in February 2024 a Case Management Conference (CMC) was held to decide on a hearing date in our appeal against the proposed 75 house development in Belfountain. To reduce the number of houses in the Manors of Belfountain Development, the BCO has retained a lawyer and experts who will represent us in a hearing at the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT). The OLT makes decisions regarding development proposals, and we must follow their process to protect our water.

Following the recent Case Management Conference (CMC), the Town of Caledon has reached a settlement with the Manors of Belfountain (MOB) developer. This is deeply disappointing news. Community members put our trust in the Town of Caledon politicians, who we elected and felt would support us, and they have let us down.

The Town of Caledon agreed to support our appeal against the MOB development, and yet, as the CMC in February approached, the Town withdrew their appeal, failed to submit an issues list (a document required in the OLT process outlining any issues that will be addressed at the hearing), and has now, as of March 18, 2024, decided to reach a settlement.

The Town of Caledon reached this settlement through secret discussions with the developer. These negotiations failed to include our lawyer and BCO board members. The Town also failed to thoroughly review our professional hydrogeologist’s recommendations about the MOB lands.  Faith has been lost in our elected officials.

The Town of Caledon sent a draft approval of the development which included 92 conditions in phase one and 82 conditions in phase two of the development. None of these conditions addressed Belfountain community members’ concerns regarding our domestic water supply. Phase one would consist of 48 houses, while phase two would total 75 houses. Presently, there is insufficient proof that the 75 lots with private septic tanks and wells can support our drinking water and avoid groundwater pollution for the hamlet of Belfountain in the long-term. The Town of Caledon has failed to act on behalf of residents of Belfountain who wish to protect our drinking water.

With this extremely disappointing news, it is imperative that residents of Belfountain do not lose hope. The fight is far from over. While we may not have the Town on our side, we are hopeful that with our team of experts, our lawyer, and the tenacious community spirit seen in Belfountain, we can reduce the number of houses to a reasonable number to avoid adverse effects on our drinking water supply. We may be a small community, but we are mighty. Small is beautiful. Let’s keep working together to protect our drinking water.

Sincerely yours,

The BCO Board of Directors

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Registered Letter from Manors of Belfountain Corp. – Well Testing

Hello Belfountain residents,

We understand many of you have received the attached registered letter from The Manors of Belfountain(MOB) Corp. regarding proposed well testing.  The BCO has received legal advice to share with you.

Please refrain from responding to this request until the BCO’s hydrogeologist has verified the merits of the proposed well survey.

There is no way for the BCO, our lawyer and the hydrogeologist to know, who and how many of you have received this notice and it is important that we have this information.   If you have received the letter, could you email and type in your name, address and postal code in the body of the email please. With your responses, we will create a map showing who has received notices which will help in the evaluation process.

Thank you,

The Belfountain Community Organization

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Walter Keyser’s Passing

Dear BCO members and supporters,

I’m writing to share the sad news that our wonderful Walter Keyser passed away on Friday, March 1, 2024. He lived an amazing life; filled with success, adventure, love, joy and happiness. The BCO has been  an important part of that, so we would love it if you could join us in celebrating all that Walter was. 

We’re having a visitation on Saturday, March 16 from 3pm to 5pm at Dods & McNair Funeral Home in Orangeville, and the Celebration of Life service and reception will be Sunday, March 17th at 2pm, with a short visitation beginning at 1pm. Details are available here: We invite you to share your thoughts or memories of Walter on the link as well. 

If you’re able to join us at the visitation or service, you’re welcome to bring any photos of Walter or mementos you think represent the wonderful man that he was. We’ll have a table where we’ll be collecting these pieces.

Please share the news and the visitation and service details with anyone you think would like to join us. We would love the opportunity to celebrate with as many people who knew and loved Walter as possible. 

All our love,

Helen & Adam

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Music Returning to Belfountain !! – April 3rd BCO Fundraiser at Goodlot Farm

Greetings all!

Is it spring? Or is it at least close? I’m thinking it’s close – at least closer than last month. Time to celebrate! How about a bit of live music???

East of Here, a remarkable band from Ontario, is ready to share their magic with us on Wednesday, April 3rd, at the Goodlot Farm and Farmstead Brewing Company Oast Barn….many thanks to Phil and Gail Winters for hosting this event. There’s room for 50 people and I expect this will sell out in no time. Come thirsty, listen to smashing tunes, and leave happy! 

Tickets will be $50 per person, and as usual, you can let me know, e transfer me the $50 at and I’ll reserve a place for you. Simple as that. 

And yes, the ticket price is a bit steeper than I usually charge. But for good reason….read on….


It is fitting that Goodlot, whose purpose is “To build and play together so that our Community is connected to Each Other and to the Land, will be the location for this musical evening. Because this evening is more than simply a celebration of music. It is also a fund raising evening for the Belfountain Community Organization (BCO). The BCO is a group of residents who are committed to preserving the rural, cultural and environmental integrity of the hamlet of Belfountain – and right now, that is all at risk.  If The Manors Of Belfountain – the housing development that is planned for the south end of the village – goes through, it will damage not only the character of the community, but the domestic well water, the fisheries, endangered species, the landscape and oh so much more. 

The BCO is going to go to the Ontario Land Tribunal to voice their concerns regarding NEC’s approval of the development. To do that will cost about 100K. That’s lot of funds needed by a small community.

This music night will be designed to do a few things. First, it will raise our collective spirits and bring some much needed joy to all of us. That’s a priority. But the BCO is also hoping to raise a bit of money to support their efforts. So along with great music, there will be a Silent Auction with all sorts of wonderful prizes and services. 

Sooooooooo, please plan on celebrating the spring, the music, the amazing Goodlot Farm and Farmstead Brewery,  and hope for Belfountain on Wednesday night, April 3rd! Let me know ASAP if you’d like to buy tickets. It’s only a little over 4 weeks from today!



PLEASE share this note with everyone! Pass it on to family members, to local businesses, post on FB, Instagram, wherever you can so we can get a full house! If you’ve got something that you will donate for the Silent Auction, let me know and I’ll make sure it is picked up. And if you want to top up your $50 to support the cause, I will make sure it goes directly to the BCO!


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Update on Manors of Belfountain Case Management Conference

Date: February 16, 2024

Update on the MOB

Delving Into the Key Points of the Recent CMC (Case Management Conference)

 Regarding the Manors of Belfountain Development Proposal 

By Edi Cadham

On February 1, 2024 the Case Management Conference (CMC) took place to set the hearing dates in our Appeal against the conditional approval of the Manors of Belfountain (MOB) Development Proposal.

The Belfountain Community Organization (BCO) submitted an issues list, conveying important issues we wish to address at the hearing. The BCO is working to protect our community’s access to safe drinking water, an issue deeply important to each member of Belfountain.

When members of the community delegated to the Town of Caledon last fall, the Town agreed to support residents in our appeal against the MOB development. This was recognized as a major win. Unfortunately, during the CMC, the legal counsel for the Town of Caledon expressed they had not submitted an issues list and were working to negotiate with the legal counsel to the developer at this time. Members of the Region of Peel were also present at the CMC, they did not submit an issues list and are currently acting as an observer in this case; however, their position may change if they feel they need to become more involved and submit an issues list.

The legal counsel to the MOB requested a consolidated hearing. This would combine the Appeal to the Niagara Escarpment Commission’s conditional approval of the MOB development, and the developers Appeal made due to the Town of Caledon’s failure to make a decision about the development. The legal counsel to the MOB requested this consolidation under section 21 when it normally falls under section 16. Using section 21 for the consolidated hearing would mean the final decision in regard to the proposed development would rest with the Ontario Land Tribunal and could not be put forward to the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry. This is an unusual occurrence and the BCO’s legal counsel is attempting to ensure the consolidated hearing will be put under section 16 only. On May 23, 2024 there will be another CMC where motions will be tabled regarding the consolidation of the hearing.

The date of our hearing has been set for February 10, 2025. It is anticipated to last 3 weeks. A hearing of this length will be costly, but the security of our drinking water is invaluable. With this in mind, we are taking pledges for donations in the fight to preserve Belfountain’s water and decrease the number of houses in the proposed development to a sustainable outcome.

While we await an update at the next CMC regarding the Town’s negotiation with the developer and the future of our case, the BCO is requesting pledges to donate to protect Belfountain’s water. We need your financial support now more than ever. Pledge to protect your drinking water now!

The BCO’s door knocking campaign will begin February 24th.

Belfountain may be small, but this quaint community has flooded Town Hall meetings with booming voices and calls for change, we have fought long and hard to protect our drinking water and wildlife in Belfountain, and we must continue to stand together to create a positive difference for residents and for the future. Small is Beautiful.

Sincerely yours,

The BCO Board of Directors

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Luminaria Tonight 5pm

The Christmas Eve Luminaria is a beautiful tradition that the BCO would like to invite all residents and business owners in the Hamlet and environs to participate in. The more who participate, the more of a sight it will be; it makes Christmas Eve that much more special! It’s great to get out as a family with friends, enjoy the sight and meet your neighbours during the holiday season.  For more read:

If you need bags, $4.00 for a bundle of 10. Contact the  for information and orders.

A couple of proven tricks can make a difference with the Luminaria bags and you will be able to save many of the bags for next year as well. Try the following for a safe display and easy clean-up:

  1. double fold the top of the bag down a couple of inches to make a collar which will help stabilize the bag and prevent scorching
  2. try “stubby” votive candles (Watson brand at the Dollar Store works well), instead of tea lights. They are 1 1/2″ and last about 8 hours 
  3. an aluminum tartlet shell, placed in a pint size mason jar, then into the bag, works beautifully. Bonus: a safe and easy clean-up with no cat litter to deal with.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

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Merry Christmas Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays.  We hope you enjoy this time with your family and friends.  

Belfountain Community Organization

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