THE VENUTI STRING QUARTET – Saturday, March 1, 2025 – 7:30 p.m.


THE VENUTI STRING QUARTET – Saturday, March 1, 2025 – 7:30 p.m.

The Great Hall of St. James Anglican Church

60125 Old Church Road

Caledon East

The Venuti String Quartet is made up of some of the most sought after freelance musicians in Toronto. Their members frequently perform with many of the major orchestral ensembles in Toronto, including The Toronto Symphony Orchestra, The Canadian Opera Company, The National Ballet of Canada and Tafelmusik. They are a highly versatile group comfortable performing not only the great classical repertoire but also jazz, contemporary and many other musical genres. Their violinist, Drew Jurecka also composes and arranges for the quartet.

They have worked with artists and ensembles including Payadora Tango Ensemble, Jill Barber, Esmeralda Enrique Spanish Dance Company, The Hogtown Syncopators, The Gryphon Trio and The Art of Time Ensemble. The Venuti String Quartet can be heard frequently as recording artists for film and various recording projects including Royal Wood’s, Donovan Wood’s and Justin Gray’s most recent records. They are quartet in residence for Caledon Chamber Concerts. Upcoming shows for the quartet include performances at Massey Hall with Sarah McLachlan, shows with Laila Biali and their own performances for Barrie Concert Association. Past concerts include National Arts Centre, the Harbourfront Centre, the Toronto Music Garden Summer Concert Series and the Indian River Music Festival in Prince Edward Island.

Admission:  Free to 18 years old and under;  $40 per adult

Refreshments at intermission.

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Day One of the Ontario Land Tribunal for Manors of Belfountain Subdivision Application – What to Expect

Further to our notice last week regarding access to the OTL hearing, which starts tomorrow February 10th at 10am, we would like to provide this insight into one of the items to expect tomorrow.

Mr. Flowers who is the lawyer for the applicant, Mr. Spina, is going to submit a motion to contest the evidence of our experts, Garry Hunter and Les Stanfield.    You will hear their position.  Our lawyer, David Donnelly, will challenge this motion as this evidence is instrumental to our case.   One example of this evidence is the well testing that has been done under direction of the Belfountain Community Organization as Mr. Spina has failed to complete this basic task.  

While contesting the other party’s evidence is part of the process, we feel extremely grateful to have David Donnelly’s expertise representing the Belfountain Community and your interests regarding water quality, quantity, quality of life and financial wellbeing.

To listen to the OLT hearing, please follow the information in our last post found at this link.

Please consider donating to help us cover these legal fees.

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IMPORTANT Information Regarding the Manors of Belfountain OLT Hearing Feb 10th, 2025 at 10 a.m. 

The Procedural Order from the Ontario Land Tribunal in regard to OLT-22-002819 and OLT-23-000835 regarding the Manors of Belfountain subdivision set the stage for our hearing.  The Tribunal scheduled a 14-day Video Hearing to commence on Monday, February 10, 2025, at 10 a.m. through to Friday, February 28, 2025, exclusive of Monday, February 17, 2025.   
During the hearing you will hear our expert witnesses as well as our legal counsel, Mr. David Donnelly.  The witnesses, Garry Hunter, Hydrogeology and Les Stanfield, Aquatic Ecologist,  have prepared Witness Statements.  They have also provided Reply Statements in response to the expert opinions offered by Mr. Spina’s team.  Please use this link to view these documents ahead of the hearing.
In addition, Hunter and Associates have researched and created an Alternative Site Plan.   Please use this link to view this document.   Our grave legitimate concerns about the water quality and quantity were confirmed by the government the last time we won a similar hearing with a previous owner.  The Alternative Site Plan reiterates that we are not opposed to development on this land, however that development cannot negatively impact the existing resident’s quality of life, water or financial wellbeing. 
Members of the community are welcome to log in to view and listen to the proceedings.   It is of vital importance that your camera is off, and your computer is on mute when you attend.    If you neglect to do this, it will disrupt the hearing and may negatively affect how they view us.   Parties are asked to log into the Video Hearing at the links below at least 15 minutes before the start of the event to test video and audio connections: 
Merit Hearing on Monday, February 10, 2025, at 10 a.m. by Video Hearing 
Access Code: 357-283-957 
Audio-only telephone line: +1 (647) 497-9391 or Toll Free: 1-888-455-1389 
Audio-only Access Code: 357-283-957 
Parties and Participants are asked to access and set up the application well in advance of the event to avoid unnecessary delay. The desktop application can be downloaded at GoToMeeting or a web application is available at: 
Persons who experience technical difficulties accessing the GoToMeeting application or who only wish to listen to the event can connect to the event by calling into the audio-only telephone line.
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Thank You Everyone for a Wonderful Potluck

The B.C.O. thanks the community for another fabulous potluck.  There were so many delicious dishes to enjoy.  Thank you to everyone who attended. 

Thank you to everyone who helped with the preparations and clean up.  Without you this could not have happened.  

We would also like to add a very special thank you to Sarah Boham for the outline of Belfountain’s 200th birthday in 2025 and Wendy Mitchell-Burke for the engaging talk about the new sculpture !

Wishing everyone the best for the holiday season. 

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Luminaria Tuesday December 24th at 5pm

The Christmas Eve Luminaria is a beautiful tradition that the BCO would like to invite all residents and business owners in the Hamlet and environs to participate in. The more who participate, the more of a sight it will be; it makes Christmas Eve that much more special! It’s great to get out as a family with friends, enjoy the sight and meet your neighbours during the holiday season.  
If you need bags, $4.00 for a bundle of 10. Contact the  for information and orders.
A couple of proven tricks can make a difference with the Luminaria bags and you will be able to save many of the bags for next year as well. Try the following for a safe display and easy clean-up:
  1. double fold the top of the bag down a couple of inches to make a collar which will help stabilize the bag and prevent scorching
  2. try “stubby” votive candles (Watson brand at the Dollar Store works well), instead of tea lights. They are 1 1/2″ and last about 8 hours 
  3. an aluminum tartlet shell, placed in a pint size mason jar, then into the bag, works beautifully. Bonus: a safe and easy clean-up with no cat litter to deal with.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

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Belfountain Potluck – Sold Out



The Belfountain Potluck is sold out.  See you there !


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Can you attend the Belfountain Community Get Together for the Holidays?

We are considering having a community “Pot Luck” get together at the Belfountain Community Hall on Old Main Street either December 18, 19, 20, 21, or 22.   It will be at 6pm.  

We would like to know that at least 20 people are available to attend with the dates you are available please before we book the hall and pay the associated costs.

Please provide your top three choices of dates.   If 20 people choose the same date, that will be the one we go ahead with.   If you are replying for more than one person, please indicate how many will be attending.  Please reply to

This will be a potluck….just a social gathering to wish your neighbours well.

Thank you for helping the BCO make this decision.


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Urgent Call for Your Donations Please

On August 8, 2023, the community approved the BCO filing to appeal the NEC decision made on July 20, 2023. The appeal was submitted to the NEC August 9 by legal counsel. Eighteen appeals were made to the NEC that day regarding Manors. Once the appeal was submitted, the BCO was committed to follow this process through.

The BCO participated at the Case Management Conference (CMC) for the Manors of Belfountain Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) hearing on February 1st, 2024.   In a previous update, the BCO outlined what was involved in a CMC .   

Further to the CMC, The BCO retained experts to present our issues at the hearing which is now scheduled for February 10th, 2025,  

The steps that are laid out by the government in the Procedural Order that occur prior to the hearing and the reflective dates are: 




Thursday, May 23, 2024

Second Case Management Conference


Friday, October 11, 2024

Parties to exchange lists of witnesses (names, disciplines and intended order to be called)


Friday, November 8, 2024

Expert witnesses in the same field shall have a meeting


Friday, November 22, 2024

Parties must file any Statement of Agreed Facts and Issues


Monday, December 9, 2024

Witness Statements and Participant Statements to be exchanged


Monday, January 6, 2025

Parties to advise Tribunal whether all the Hearing days are required


Friday, January 10, 2025

Reply Witness Statements and the reply to written evidence of witnesses (if any) to be exchanged


Monday, January 20, 2025

Visual Evidence to be exchanged


Monday, January 27, 2025

Joint Document Book to be filed


Monday, January 27, 2025

Draft Hearing Plan to be filed


Monday, February 10, 2025

Hearing commences


The experts needed for these interim steps and the hearing itself include legal counsel, a planner, a hydrogeologist and an aquatic sciences expert. The cost for experts is sizable.  The hearing is expected to last 14 days.

The experts and legal fees will be paid from generous donations and participation of residents in various fund-raising events that involve the community.   We would like to thank those of you who have donated already and encourage you all to spread the word that we need help financially.

Thirty years ago, the Belfountain community and supporters fought to prevent a subdivision with fewer proposed houses on the same land for the same reasons we have today.  The adjudicator ruled that something would be built on this land. No developer has been able to address the domestic water servicing issues for this development to date. The cost for the hearing in 1991 was $120,000.

This is an urgent call for your donation please.  The Belfountain hamlet is dependent on your generous donation.  Every amount matters and helps.   If you or someone you know would like to donate, you can do so by any of these methods some of which provide tax receipts as indicated:

 Donating directly to the B.C.O: 100% of donations made are used to pay legal fees, experts’ invoices, and administration costs. No tax receipts are available.  The B.C.O. is an incorporated non-profit organization supported by volunteers. You can donate directly to the B.C.O. by cheque, cash or e-transfer by contacting  treasurer@, or click on the link below to use PayPal at BCO to support the initiatives. 100% of donations made are used to pay legal fees, experts’ invoices, and administration costs.   If you do not require a tax receipt, your funds can be directed directly to the BCO through etransfer to or via PayPal at this link Alternatively, contact or 289-541-6055 for cheque or cash pickup or delivery instructions.  Cheques should be addressed to the Belfountain Community Organization.

Donating through Small Change Fund:. Donations to Small Change Fund are used for legal fees.  The project: (Manors of Belfountain Subdivision) Belfountain-needs-your-help When you donate $25 or more you will receive a tax receipt.  SCF does retain a percentage of the funds donated to support the services they provide as outlined on their website.  Here is the link to the Small Change Fund:

Donating through Ontario Streams: Donations to Ontario Streams are used for consulting experts who are developing and presenting the Belfountain community’s cases that Manors of Belfountain threatens the water.  You will receive a charitable tax receipt. For sums greater than $500, a cheque made out to Ontario Streams can be dropped off at 670 Bush Street.  For sums less than $500 donations can be through Canada Helps: (Choose Belfountain Wetlands, Groundwater and Watercourses Evaluation)

We are urgently in need of donations to both prepare and pay for the hearing.  We would greatly appreciate your donation being made within the next two weeks if that is possible.  

Please share this email and spread the word to everyone you can think of that can help us with this fight.  The time is now.   Let’s start telling people about this.  Ask everyone interested in protecting Belfountain to register at www. so we can be sure to reach everyone and provide updates.  Come out and join us in our fundraising efforts so we can win this hearing. There is nothing we can’t do together!

Belfountain may be small, but we are mighty when we work together!


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Paving Notice – Bush Street – Old Main St. to Shaws Creek Rd.

October 25th, 2024

Milling, Base Repairs and Paving Notice on Bush St

Belfountain Rehabilitation and Corridor Improvements, Town of Caledon, Project 14-4065

This notice provides an update to the Belfountain Community regarding paving works on the Project 14-4065: Belfountain Rehabilitation and Improvements, Town of Caledon.

Peel’s contractor (Four Seasons Site Development Ltd.) has schedule milling, base repairs and paving works on Bush St (from Old Main St to Shaws Creek Rd) the week of October 28th 2024.

The schedule for paving works on Old Main St are tentative and subject to weather. In the event of rain or unforeseen circumstances the works maybe delayed. 


Start Date

Anticipated Duration

Milling and Base Repairs

Thursday, October 31st,2024

1 Day

Paving Friday, November 1st, 2024 1 Day

 What to expect:

  •  We will maintain a single of traffic at all times, however, motorists should expect delays in travel as the operation is underway. Emergency access will be maintained at all times.
  • During paving operations your driveway may temporarily be blocked as the machinery passes through the corridor. This will be temporary and short duration, however if you require immediate access in and out of your driveway during the operation – the paving crew and our site representatives will be there to assist you.

Who can I contact?





Contact Information

Ommar Moeen

Project Manager

Region of Peel

905-791-7800 ext. 7998

Ole Petersen

Construction Inspector

Region of Peel

905-791-7800 ext. 3246




24/7 (Project Related Emergency/After Hours) #: 905-791-7800


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Paving Notice Belfountain Project – Old Main Street from Caledon Mountain Drive to River Road


Milling, Base Repairs and Paving Notice on Old Main St

Belfountain Rehabilitation and Corridor Improvements, Town of Caledon, Project 14-4065

This notice provides an update to the Belfountain Community regarding paving works on the Project 14-4065: Belfountain Rehabilitation and Improvements, Town of Caledon.

Further to the previous progress update notice sent on August,23rd,2024 – Peel’s contractor (Four Seasons Site Development Ltd.) has expedited their work schedule and will be initiating milling, base repairs and paving works on Old Main St (from Caledon Mountain Drive to River Rd) early next week.

The paving works next week do not include Bush Street, or the driveway apron paving. Those works will be completed at a later date (expected mid-October 2024) when the slope stability and landscaping works on Bush Street are completed.

The schedule for paving works on Old Main St is as follows. Please note the dates below are tentative to weather.


Start Date

Anticipated Duration


Monday, September,23rd,2024

1 Day

Base Repairs

Tuesday, September, 24th, 2024

1 Day


Wednesday, September, 25th, 2024

1 Day

 What to expect:

 We will maintain a single of traffic at all times, however, motorists should expect delays in travel as the operation is underway. Emergency access will be maintained at all times.

  • During paving operations your driveway may temporarily be blocked as the machinery passes through the corridor. This will be temporary and short duration, however if you require immediate access in and out of your driveway during the operation – the paving crew and our site representatives will be there to assist you.

Who can I contact?





Contact Information

Ommar Moeen

Project Manager

Region of Peel

905-791-7800 ext. 7998

Ole Petersen

Construction Inspector

Region of Peel

905-791-7800 ext. 3246




24/7 (Project Related Emergency/After Hours) #: 905-791-7800


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