Neighbourhood Watch Meeting

Neighbourhood Watch Meeting

March 19, 2018

Belfountain Community Hall

On Monday March 19,th 33 residents in the community met with OPP Constable Tamara Schubert to learn about the Neighbourhood Watch program and what it can do for our community. In attendance as well were Regional Councillor Barb Shaughnessy, Mayor Allan Thompson, and David Spencer from the Erin Residents Association.

Residents wanted to learn more about this program as a result of multiple car breakins /content thefts in the community. In November residents attended a Safe Guard meeting , which offered strategies to keep their homes safe. Neighbourhood Watch was requested as a follow up to that meeting.

What is Neighbourhood Watch?

Neighbourhood watch is a crime prevention program that gets residents involved in preventing crime by watching out for their neighbours and their property.

How does it work?

By getting to know your neighbours and learning to recognize when a person’s presence or an activity is suspicious. The Neighbourhood Watch program creates a partnership between the Caledon OPP and Belfountain residents. The OPP offers protection programs to communities and serves as a problem solving agency within our neighbourhoods.

A Neighbourhood Watch program is not about getting involved in other peoples personal business, it is about developing an information network with your neighbours.

The success of a Neighbourhood Watch program relies on a willingness to cooperate with your neighbours and the OPP. Your neighbors know who you are, what type of car you drive and may be able to identify suspicious people or vehicles in the vicinity of your home.

Just by knowing your neighbours you can recognise someone or something that is suspicious.

What are the benefits of Neighbourhood Watch?

You can learn how to make your home less inviting as a target for theft.

You can learn how to mark your valuables in the event of a theft, so they are identifiable

You can be alert to suspicious activity in your community

You can learn how to respond appropriately to potential threats

What do you do if you see someone committing a crime?

Contact the police (contact 911 for emergencies and for non emergencies call 1-888310-1122 or 905-584-2241 and your Street Captain. The OPP will liaise with the Street Captain when something is reported, and in turn, the Street Captain will notify each resident on their list to provide an update on events. Be informed. Know what is happening in your community.

Please consider joining the Neighbourhood Watch program in Belfountain. We need Street Captains, residents who would be willing to coordinate communication with neighbours on your street

We currently have 4 Captains: for Pinnacle, Scott, The Grange Road and Mississauga Road. This program includes residents of the hamlet and the environs.

How do I join Neighbourhood Watch:

Please complete the following information and submit to



Phone number:


I would like to volunteer to be a Captain for my Street    _____

I would like my name added to a contact list    _____


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