A Book Signing? A Book Reading? No, a Book Gathering!

I vividly remember writing this story. I was living in “The Grange House”, which was definitely not one of the highlights of my life, as you will learn. I had a full time change management consulting contract with Natural Resources Canada at the time. They allowed me to work out of my house as long as I commuted to Ottawa for a week every month to deliver training sessions.
Join me
Saturday, April 23rd from 1-2 pm
at Gather Café in Alton, ON
for a Book Gathering!
I’ll be telling stories and reading from my book “It’s Never The Things You Think”. You’ll learn how I got started (read: dragged into) step dancing with my friend Marlene! You might get some unique perspectives about my passion for fly fishing or making music, and some of the hidden lessons in the stories that others have shared with me.
The world in which we are living in right now is a bit scary and painful. I don’t want to ignore or downplay the seriousness of what is going, but I do believe we need to pause and reflect on some simple joys in our lives. That’s what my stories will do – bring a smile to your face and lift your spirits.
Gather Café is a place where happiness, health and community come together. Meet me there to find your smile, lift your spirits, and enjoy a coffee and stories that celebrate those simple joys.
Important details
Gather Cafe is located 19793 Main Street in Alton, ON
I’ll crack open the book and start telling stories around 1pm for about an hour or two.
There’s parking off Queen Street just north of the Café for both cars and bikes!
If you enjoy my stories (you can find some stories on my blog) , I’ll have some books there for sale that I can sign just for you. You can also order a book online.
If you want to give me a heads up that you’ll be there, send me a quick note, so I know ahead of time how many people to expect.
See you soon!
Download Event Flyers PDF – Colour or Black and White