Santa’s mailbox will be inside the Higher Ground Café in Belfountain. Starting December 13th children of all ages may drop off their letters to Santa (don’t forget to include your home address so Santa can write back).
Belfountain Village Church
Welcome all to the December 23rd candlelight service, followed by cider and Christmas carols at the Church.
Luminaria bags

“Remember when…..” books

Once again, we have our lovely “Remember when” books for sale if you are in need of a unique stocking stuffer. For $10.00 this informative historical book written by Bernice Trimble a long time Belfountain resident and historical author. Lots of interesting facts and old photographs of Belfountain. This is a fundraiser for the BCO. Books are available in the Higher Ground Café or please contact the for more information and pick-up.
Belfountain Historical Poster

We have a few posters available for $20.00. Nicola Ross, local journalist and former Belfountain resident has designed a delightful poster with extensive research into the historical homes of the hamlet. To request and pick up, please contact